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Quality Management
Special process
Powder coating
ADDRESS: Yangzhou Baoying County River Road Industrial Park
MOBILE: 13916351784
TEL: 0514-80891092
FAX: 0514-80891087
WEBSITE: www.boyi-tooling.com
E-mail: tutu0963@hotmail.com
Quality Management location:HOME -> Quality Management
Quality control department as a quality control department, the process fully complies with ISO9001 quality management system requirements. The Division is divided into two categories inspection, mold testing and product testing, inspection and storage on-site prior to the combination of pre-shipment inspection. The sample stage of the product must be certified before FA production, according to customer requirements Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis PFMEA, Control Plan Control Plan, process flow diagrams. Submit the test via a dedicated, standard scale, block gauge, Nikon projectors, coordinate measuring machine, coating thickness, hardness test, conventional deep drawing test and torque test, coating adhesion measurement, tensile test, microscopic analysis, composition analysis (the Association), salt spray test.